Havana Fairfax Connection 0114

A carnival of music, joy and danceable tunes with host Toni Basanta. www.cubanbridge.wordpress.com Featuring the career of Cuban horn player Yasek Manzano. Multi-instrumentalist Yasek Manzano makes his home in Havana, Cuba. He has released three CDs as a leader, and performed on countless others. His many original compositions are published by ACDAM and SGAE. He received his Bachelor's Degree from The Fine Arts Institute of Havana (El ISA), and has also studied at Julliard and Berklee here in the US. Known for the interesting arrangements of his work, Yasek's textural treatments of classic pieces by Bach, Vivaldi, Saint-Saëns and J.F. Fasch weave a tapestry of atmosphere for listeners and viewers.

Yasek Manzano is featured in 4 of our HFC episodes. Seeds of Change (Ep.88), with drummer Enrique Pla (Ep.48), Trumpet Summit Trumpet Evolution (Ep. 107) and on 114, where his performance is a passionate ode to his own multicultural vision.

Milton DRB 2022-09-08

The Milton Development Review Board meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in the Community Room at the Municipal Office Building, 43 Bombardier Rd. Agendas and minutes are available at the Town's website. For more information, contact the planning and economic development office at 893-5400 or check out  our website.
